Supported Languages
Please be aware that the available translations have been produced using Google Translate. While we have made significant efforts to ensure their accuracy, imperfections or errors may still exist. To see all supported languages on the list below, select to view 100 entries. Please get in touch with us if you come across a weird translation.
We aim to deliver accurate translations for all pages across our website into each of the 69 supported local languages.
If you’re interested in assisting us by volunteering to translate content into your native language, we would greatly appreciate your help. Please scroll down to share your information. As a token of our appreciation, you will receive a complimentary $12 membership.
English | Amharic | Macedonian |
Spanish | Armenian | Malagasy |
Dutch | Azerbaijani | Malay |
Filapino | Belarussian | Mongolian |
Swahili | Bosnian | Burmese |
Bengali | Bulgarian | Nepali |
Latvian | Croatian | Persian |
Ukrainian | Czech | Romanian |
French | Estonian | Serbian |
German | Georgian | Shona |
Portuguese | Greek | Slovak |
Italian | Hausa | Slovenian |
Chinese | Hebrew | Somali |
Danish | Hindi | Tajik |
Finnish | Hungarian | Tamil |
Swedish | Icelandic | Thai |
Norwegian | Igbo | Turkish |
Polish | Indonesian | Turkmen |
Japanese | Kazakh | Urdu |
Korean | Kmer | Vietnamese |
Russian | Kyrgyz | Xhosa |
Afrikaans | Lao | Yoruba |
Albanian | Lithuanian | Zulu |
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